Museum Membership


A special note to our member-friends:  In the past three months  we, the die-hard volunteers, have been searching for new headquarters for the display of our many precious items & for room to educate our young people. We found a promising building located on Montana Avenue with a very lovely lady willing to negotiate, but it was decided that it was too large for our needs.  The Board is discussing other positive options, but is still waiting & hoping for that magical place that will make our change worthwhile. We felt you, as members, should be informed as to the status of the MOWH & that it is still ‘happening’. But with limited “show” room, we are in “preservation” mode & continue to log, organize & properly store our objects, articles & books.  The current location is perfect for doing just that.  We would welcome any assistance you could provide at this stage of MOWH’s history. A recent visit to the Montana Historical Society’s Conference in Helena proved to us that we are not alone in such “bumps in the road” & it provided much needed support, as well as reference material.  

THIRD Quarter Donations


Genevieve Bauer

Eileen Orser

Joyce foreman

Lynette Downs

Dorcas Halvorson

2014 ‘Friends’ of the MOWH

Maxine Allman

Carolyn Crouch

Karen Erdie

Glenda Feldsien

Mildred Greene

Alex Gregory

Darlene Holmes

Dorothy Israel

Dorothy Jarosz

Mary Kelso

Betty Klimper

Mary Ladas

Sherry Mansheim

Roberta Meyers

Patty Miller-sabie

Margaret Ping

Lucille Schnabel

Lucie Schnabel

Judy Senteney

George Sherman

Roby Sherman

Shirley Sherman

Margaret Thompson

Linda Van Sky

Bernie Wahl

Maxine Wilson

Sandy Wyman

Sue Zeller

Lynne Puckett

Eileen Orser

plus six life members

General Donations

A special thank you:

 Margaret Ping


Joanna Kreitzberg

Membership Dues Per Year:

Regular = $30

Student & Senior = $20

Business = $100

To become a memeber send a request to


Print Membership Form HERE

The Museum of Women's History is a 501(c)3 Organization. 

Museum of Women's History
2822 Third Avenue North LL 4
Billings, MT 59101
   (406) 248-2015