The Dorothy C. McLaughlin Library and Research Room


The library contains hundreds of books and videos.  Among the the books are personal histories documented in booklets, papers, and diares. Video is gathered from the Museum of Women's History interviews and the Wisdom of Ages program televised locally via Community Seven Television in Billings, MT.

NOTE: The library does NOT lend books out.  The library is an onsite research collection only. 

Glorious Victory Circa 1930s' 

Student Volunteer and Research Room 

Dorothy C. McLaughlin Biography

Founder (1926-2013)

Dorothy Klopfenstine was born on May 6, 1926 in Kansas City, MO.  She graduated at age 16 and later, after marriage and two children, she pursued her higher education.  At age 50, Dorothy received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from California State University and in 1987, her Master Degree in Business from Columbia Pacific University. 

She and her husband, Pat McLaughlin, moved to Billings in 1976, where Dorothy immersed herself in the Billings community.  She volunteered as a Pink Lady, at the Southside Senior Citizens Center, Senior Helping Hands, and the AARP Senior Community Service where she later became Director. 

Dorothy co-founded the Montana Association for Female Executive and served as the first MAFE president.

Dorothy’s biggest dream was to establish a museum for the preservation of women’s history.  Her unwavering work resulted in reaching this goal.  In 1995, with support from Chancellor Ronald Sexton, The Museum of Women’s History (MOWH) began in a small room next to the basement mailroom of Eastern Montana College’s McMullen Hall (now MSU-Billings). The MOWH soon outgrew its first home, and relocated to The Behner Building at 2822 Third Avenue North in downtown Billings, where it continues to operate.

While doing research on Albert Bair’s life, for her graduate program, Dorothy found very little in-depth documentation in any of the Montana libraries or museums about Alberta or any other local women.  This experience served as a catalyst to pursue the museum and its mission.

Feats & Faces, Chronicles of 26 Billings Women with Photographs (1994) was the first book placed in the NOWH research library.  It was conceived by Dorothy, funded by the American Association of University Women, with interviews conducted & stories written by the Billings’ AAUW members.  Feats and Faces represents a significant step in recording a small portion of Billings women’s history and achievements.


Museum of Women's History
2822 Third Avenue North LL 4
Billings, MT 59101
   (406) 248-2015